Metallic Epoxy Flooring - EpoxIT Systems LLC - Epoxy Flooring & Epoxy Coating Company

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Durable, Cost-effective & Easy to Maintain
(Everything you want in a floor)
Epoxy flooring is known to be a very affordable, durable and easily maintained. Usually, these kind of floors are installed in homes, garages, carports, and warehouses. Since they are highly durable floors they can perfectly handle high foot traffic, heavy machinery and oil spills.

Epoxy Floor Specialist

EpoxIT Systems LLC specializes in epoxy flooring installation services. Our team is skilled in epoxy coating, and their expertise allows them to turn any floor into a durable, strong epoxy floor.

Epoxy is a system made up of two different components which need to be added together just before the installation to ensure the floor is successfully bonded. Once these two components are mixed together, it begins a chemical reaction that forms a ridged plastic material strong and resistant enough to degradation.

EpoxIT Systems LLC can create a surface completely made up of multiple layers of epoxy which are applied to the floor to a depth of two millimeters. The thickness of the coating is what differentiates an actual epoxy floor from just a regular epoxy coating.

While all epoxy is applied to the existing concrete slab, a thin coat can be added for appearances, or an entire depth can be added to stabilize the flooring. Epoxy coating is always a great choice for your house since it works similar to your kitchen countertops. It is easy to wipe away drops of oil, chemicals, and waters.
Epoxy Floor is available in a wide range of colors, textures and finishes. Choose wisely since it can make epoxy coating the perfect choice in applications for appearance, durability and chemical resistance.

EpoxIT Systems LLC has many years of experience in the in the installations of epoxy flooring. We have years of experience when it comes to surface preparations and coating applications in different facilities such as commercial and residential settings. Epoxy coating is truly recommended for installation in hospitals, parking garages, retail stores, shopping centers, stadiums, treatment plants and much more!

The success of epoxy flooring installation fully lies in the prep work. Our team expertise will help you with all of the calculations, color choices and cleaning processes involved. Once the prep work is complete, our team members make the application process look like the most perfect piece of cake. The coating is applied evenly to get a complete clean surface ensuring your floor to be properly bonded.

Our high quality reputation as a professional coatings expert makes EpoxIT Systems LLC the number one option for epoxy floor surface preparation and coating applications. Do not hesitate and contact us today for a free consultation with our experts.
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