Epoxy Garage Floor - EpoxIT Systems LLC - Epoxy Flooring & Epoxy Coating Company

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Durable, Cost-effective & Easy to Maintain
(Everything you want in a garage floor)
Epoxy flooring is known to be a very affordable, durable and easily maintained. Usually, these kind of floors are installed in homes, garages, carports, and warehouses. Since they are highly durable floors they can perfectly handle high foot traffic, heavy machinery and oil spills.

Garage Floor Epoxy Specialist

Our team can give you a great looking epoxy garage floor with the most stunning designs that you could ever imagine. Whether you want a showroom, a garage floor, or a granite fleck look, our experienced team will obtain the best results.

We offer Garage Floor Epoxy Painting in Bradenton, Sarasota, Venice Lakewood, Clearwater, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, and Apollo Beach, Florida.

We always start by preparing your garage floor for the epoxy, repairing any cracks or chips in the concrete, in order to ensure proper bonding and the best finish.

Once you choose our professional epoxy flooring experts, we guarantee your new epoxy garage floor will be durable, stain resistant, easy to clean, and it won’t peel! It is important to understand the preparation of the concrete before the application is one of the keys to the success of your flooring installation. Part of the process also is making a detailed plan that includes calculations, color choices, and a cleaning process of the concrete itself.

Some homeowners try to do it on their own, but unfortunately, most of the times they find that there are problems with their epoxy garage floor installation because the right techniques were not used. When the right techniques are not used, you can find problems which mean you will have to get the floor redone. Some of the problems that can occur are:

  • Current paint is worn where tires sit, cracks, and more
  • Yellowing
  • Peeling
  • Cracking or chipping
  • Fading

When an epoxy floor is peeling, chipping, or even fading, it means the epoxy coating did not bond well with the concrete slab. When it comes to epoxy, there has to be techniques followed in a proper order so the treatment adheres properly with the concrete.

That is the main reason why epoxy garage floors need to be installed by professionals with the required expertise to avoid these common problems. Otherwise, you could end up with a garage floor that will need to be redone eventually and spending much more money.

EpoxIT Systems LLC has many years of experience in this field, whether you have a residential garage, a commercial, or an industrial garage floor, we know what to do when it comes to durable epoxy garage floor. We truly recommend this flooring choice for:

  • Hospitals
  • Parking Garage Floors
  • Retails Stores
  • Shopping Centers
  • Stadiums
  • Treatment Plants
  • Residential Garage Floors
  • Rental Property Garage Floors
  • Commercial Floors
  • Warehouse Floors

A great thing when it comes to epoxy flooring is that it is the perfect choice for a wide variety of settings because of its durability, high-quality performance, and flexibility for design options. If you would like to know what we can do for your home, business, garage floor, and want to see high-quality results then give us a call today, we will gladly answer all your questions.
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