EpoxIT Systems LLC - Epoxy Flooring & Epoxy Coating Company

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Commercial Grade Epoxy Floors
The toughest floors for the toughest jobs.
Epoxy flooring is known to be a very affordable, durable and easily maintained. Usually, these kind of floors are installed in homes, garages, carports, and warehouses. Since they are highly durable floors they can perfectly handle high foot traffic, heavy machinery and oil spills.

Residential & Commercial Epoxy Flooring Specialist


Whenever you find yourself needing high-level painting and epoxy flooring work, whether it is a house, an office, or a business in Central Florida contact, EpoxIT Systems LLC. We have more than 20 years of experience designing and installing all of our products. That is why we can guarantee you high-quality results as well as getting you the perfect look you have always dreamed of.

Our Team

Our team’s expertise will always get you the top results in products and services. Our variety of services includes residential, commercial, paint, garage floor, metallic epoxy, and much more! Every member of our team has over 10 years of experience in this field and that is the main reason we never sub-contract out any of our work.

Our Promise

We make sure to deliver the best quality products and services. If you are looking for an epoxy flooring contractor then give us a call today and make your Florida residence or business truly shine.
EpoxIT Systems LLC can create a surface completely made up of multiple layers of epoxy which are applied to the floor to a depth of two millimeters. The thickness of the coating is what differentiates an actual epoxy floor from just a regular epoxy coating.
Our team can give you a great looking epoxy garage floor with the most stunning designs that you could ever imagine. Whether you want a showroom, a garage floor, or a granite fleck look, our experienced team will obtain the best results.
Get started. Fill out this form for a FREE estimate.


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