About Us - EpoxIT Systems LLC - Epoxy Flooring & Epoxy Coating Company

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Over 20 Years of Experience
Skill is a requirement for perfection
When it comes to installing a floor that last always call an expert. We have over 20 years of experience.

Why EpoxIT Systems LLC?

EpoxIT Systems LLC has over 20 years of experience in the installation of epoxy flooring. We specialize in the preparation and application of commercial epoxy flooring in different facilities such as hospitals, parking garages, retail stores, shopping centers, stadiums, treatment plants and much more!

The success of epoxy flooring installation fully lies in the prep work. Our team's expertise will help you with all of the calculations, color choices and cleaning processes involved.

EpoxIT Systems LLC is truly a professional epoxy flooring installer & painting contractor that only employs the highest professional epoxy flooring installers & painters with over 20 years of experience in the epoxy flooring & painting industry. We are the only contractor in the district who can actually provide you the highest quality epoxy flooring & painting services for a very reasonable price compared to others in this field.

Impressed with our work?
Let's discuss your options and get started on your project today.
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